Monday, August 30, 2004

I absolutely love covered bridges. I love to walk inside and feel and hear each creak the floor makes with each step, and it is really nice to hear the water running underneath. This is a covered bridge near me so I get to visit it whenever I feel like it. I can only remember the childhood nursery rhyme, Three Billy Goats Gruff, (yes, I know, they weren't crossing a covered bridge), but it doesn't stop me from looking under neath for the troll. *smile* I think the reason they made covered bridges was years ago when there were only horses and carriages used for transportation, this helped so the horses would not be frightened to cross over the rivers and creeks. If I am wrong then I stand corrected but sounds logical to me. Posted by Hello

Okay, this is really me, I like to play around with my digital camera and went to the mall the other day and saw this cute photo in a window at one of the photo studios there. So, I went home got out the tripod and the digital camera and pushed that button for delay, looked through the little window to size it up and ran in front of it to pose. HA HA..silly me huh? Then I got the notion to play around with the photo imaging and put a heart border around me. I guess it was better than a square..hehe. Well, this is me, Kathy from PA. Posted by Hello

This is the triangle loom I made with the help of the neighbor and my husband. They cut the wood and I finished it. I love it and at first was unable to understand how to do it, but after reading the directions several times, tada, I did it! This is a 6 ' triangle loom, now wishing I would have made a bigger one, because this just isn't big enough for a nice shawl. I had to make two of these blues,,,to make one ruana. I guess that is what it is called. Posted by Hello

One of my favorite things to do to relax is gardening. This is one of many garden spots around my home. I kind of like to naturalize, I think that is what it is called, just letting things grow wherever they want, planting wherever I dig a hole. There is no pattern that I follow, just plant away. Aren't the grape hyacinths wonderful? Chip thought they were too, he tended to lay in them. Posted by Hello

Just wanted to introduce Choc-O-Lot Chip, (Chip for short). He is a chocolate cocker spaniel and has claimed the easy chair in the family room as his own. He is loving and a good companion, but gets into mischief a lot.  Posted by Hello

This is me....

Hi, my name is Kathy and I am from Pennsylvania. A small town consisting of 6,000 people and it is more or less cow patty country.
I have many interests including many crafts, gardening, and relaxing in a huge hammock in the back yard on a hot summer evening,,or any evening for that matter.
I will be elaborating more as this is my first entry, the beginning, hopefully no end. *smile*